Here are
some of my favourite books on clutter and related topics. Click on a picture
to be taken through to that book's page on Happy reading!
- no more clutter - Sue Kay - Hodder Mobius 2005
- hoarder to order - Sue Kay - Hodder Headline 2006
the 100 simple secrets of happy people - David Niven - Capstone 2005
- The New Messies Manual - Sandra Felton - Revell 2000
- Making Peace with the Things in your Life - Cindy Glovinsky - St Martin's
Press 2002
- Clutter Free! Finally and Forever - Don Aslett - Betterway Books 1995
- Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui - Karen Kingston - Piatkus 1998
Do the Right Things - Pushpinder Khaneka - New Internationalist 2006
Go Make a Difference - Emma Jones and Jo Bourne (Eds.) - CUP 2006
- The Procrastinator's Handbook - Rita Emmett - Walker Publishing 2000
- The Overspent American - Juliet Schor - Harper Collins 1998
- Your Money or Your Life - Alvin Hall - Coronet 2002
- The Pampered Child Syndrome - Maggie Mamen - Jessica Kingsley 2006
- The Simple Living Guide - Janet Luhrs - Broadway Books 1997
- Clear the Clutter: Make Space for your Life - Inge ven der Ploeg, Naomi
Perlzweig - Floris Books 2003