your desk to prevent "Irritable Desk Syndrome"
I was fascinated to read a recent survey by NEC-Mitsubishi that found
the nation's office workers were being hit by "Irritable Desk Syndrome"
They found that long working hours, cluttered desks and poor posture are
making people ill.
Around 40% of the 2000 people questioned said they were infuriated by
too much clutter and paper on their desks and could not be bothered to
do anything about it.
Don't be like them - remember a clutter-free organised desk with all your
notes and material properly filed will save you time, reduce your stress
and ultimately free up your energy for your work.
So here are
my top tips for decluttering your desk
- Take everything off the surface except large items like your computer
screen and empty your drawers. Admire the clear space feel how
calming and de-stressing it is. It could be like this every day.
- Desks are for action not for storage. Be discriminating about putting
things back on the surface of your desk.
- Time to be honest and ruthless. As you pick up each item ask yourself
is this truly relevant and useful? Do I actually need to keep it? No?
Chuck it.
- Dump the post-its and scraps of paper. Dont keep important information
on scraps of paper, unfiled index cards and a sea of post-its. Use a notebook
instead to record all your ideas and to-do lists.
- Clear your desk at the end of each day. If time is short just scoop
all papers up into your action tray and sort them out first thing in the
month's tip next month's tip>>