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Press Cuttings

Prediction Magazine, September 2004: "I am a reformed character. I think it was the gentle compassion with which Sue works that helped me let go. She didn't ask me to chuck out all my stuff and become a minimalist's dream. I was allowed to keep that which I loved and would use."

Time Out, January 2004: "...the consultation proved to be a painless practice. [...] Binning or charity bagging is a liberating experience."

Ham & High, January 2004: "Sue is a professional declutterer but she's tactful with it. Everything about her from her chic cropped hair to her barely-enough-letters-to-cover-it name, is beautiful, pared down and essential. There is not a superfluous atom about her person."

Metro, March 2004: "After a few tricky moments... I find it surprisingly easy. The hardest part is discarding those items I once loved, as it feels like I'm also losing the memories attached to them. But with some judicious encouragement from Sue, I'm letting go quicker than a Buddhist."


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