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The Clutter Clinic


Here's your chance to ask Sue your questions on decluttering and getting organised. Please email Sue'll answer as many as she can on this page. She is always interested in hearing your clutter stories and any useful tips you would like to share.

Nicky says: I'm embarrassed to talk about my problems with clutter. I find when I mention it to family and friends they say come on it's just clear up the mess. Do you know where I can go for support?

Sue answers:

As a society we are increasingly affluent yet continue to hold onto things that might come in useful. So many people are struggling with clutter. For everyone there reaches a point where there is so much stuff it just overwhelming. However many people are not sympathetic to this being a real problem for people. They see it as merely tidying up.

Decluttering is much more than that. It is a process where you look at all the stuff in your life and home and make decisions about what to keep and what to let go. That way you take back control of your life. It can be both emotionally and physically tiring but it is well worth it.

In the Uk there are a small number of professionals who can help with your clutter. I offer practical help in the London area and also offer phone coaching for the whole UK.

There are also a number of websites for self help. Try

Good luck Nicky

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